Meet the Instruments: String Family

Meet the Instruments:
The String Family

The String Family includes the violin, viola, cello, and double bass. String instruments use vibrating strings to make their sound. The bow is made of horse hair and is dragged across the strings to make a sound. The four major instruments in the string family, the violin, the viola, the cello and the double bass, are all made the same way, by gluing pieces of wood together. The body of the instrument is hollow, which allows the sound to resonate. Each of these instruments have four strings that stretch the length of the instrument and rest on a bridge that raises the strings up. The violin and viola are played by resting on the shoulder under the chin, the cello is played upright in between the legs, and the bass is so big that you have to stand up to play it!

Click here to listen and learn more about the string family.

To make your own string instrument, click here.

Explore the sounds of all the instruments of the orchestra by playing this game, click here.

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